How to Fill-out the Schengen Visa Application Form




Schengen Application Form

Embarking on the Schengen Visa application journey involves navigating the intricacies of the application form. Understanding this pivotal step is key to a successful process. In this guide, we’ll delve into the step-by-step process of completing the Schengen Visa Application Form. Starting with essential details and ending with submission tips, let’s simplify this process together.

Firstly, access the Schengen Visa Application Form, available in both online and print versions based on the embassy to which you’ll submit your application. Notably, online application forms are provided by countries like Denmark, France, Germany, and the Netherlands. In this post, we’ll utilize the standard visa application form featuring the EU logo, easily printable for your convenience

harmonized application form

Breaking down the form for your convenience, I’ve structured it into distinct sections: traveler profile, family information, residence details, employment specifics, travel purpose, travel itinerary, and financial capacity. Notably, if you’re a family member of EU, EEA, or Swiss citizens, certain sections—21, 22, 30, 31, and 32—marked with an asterisk (*) on the form, need not be completed.

You can download a standard editable form here.

EU, EEA, or CH Family Details

If you are a family member of an EU, EEA, or Swiss national, complete the details for numbers 17 and 18. Otherwise, write N/A. Furthermore, if you have EU, EEA, or Swiss national family members you may qualify for a facilitation visa or accelerated visa processing

  1. Personal data of the family member who is an EU, EEA or CH citizen, if applicable
    • Surname (Family name) – Write down your family member’s surname as in their passport
    • First name(s) (Given name(s)) – Write down your family member’s first name(s) as in their passport
    • Date of birth (day-month-year) – Write down your family member’s birthdate as in their passport
    • Nationality – Write down your family member’s nationality as in their passport
    • Number of travel document or ID card – Write down your family member’s passport number
  2. Family relationship with an EU, EEA or CH citizen if applicable – Check the appropriate box
EU/EFTA Residence Permit C in Switzerland


If we use this residence permit from Switzerland, the application should look like the one below:

EU Family Member

Residence Details

The next two questions determines whether the embassy can accept your application by virtue of your habitual residence.

When applying for a Schengen Visa from in your home country WHILE you are a resident abroad, embassies or consulates often reject such applications due to their inability to verify documents from the applicant’s country of residence. If you plan to submit your application in your home country while working, studying, or living elsewhere, it’s crucial to check the embassy’s website or contact them directly for clarification.

Moreover, here’s a sample advisory from the Embassy of Switzerland in the Philippines:

Habitual residence

  1. Applicant’s home address and e-mail address, telephone no. – Write down your home, e-mail addresses and telephone number
  2. Residence in a country… – Check the appropriate box and write down the details of your residence abroad as in your residence card, residence permit, or visa.

I think question #29, should also go in under residence details, if your residence is different from your home country:

  1. Entry permit… – Fill in this part if your current residence is NOT your home country OR if your final destination is not a Schengen state

Employment and/or School Details

  1. Current occupation – Write down your current occupation.
    • If you do not work, write housewife, or retired (mention your previous profession), or unemployed
    • If you are self-employed, write self-employed (mention your occupation), business owner, sole proprietor, etc. and mention the name of the business, if applicable
    • If you are a student, mention your class level (ex. primary school student)
  2. Employer and employer’s address and telephone number. For students, name and address of educational establishment
    • If you work, write down the name and address of your employer
    • If you are self-employed, write the business name and address
    • If you are a student, write down the name and address of your school / university


The applicant is a housewife/homemaker.

When detailing your occupation in section 21, specify your precise job title or professional role if you’re engaged in freelance work. Moving to section 22, outline the identities of your regular clients, if applicable. This information provides a clearer insight into your freelance endeavors and strengthens your application.

Travel Itinerary

Questions 25 through 31 inquire about your travel itinerary, necessitating details regarding your accommodation and travel plans. To streamline your form completion in a single session, ensure you have readily available information about your stays and travel arrangements. Having these specifics at your fingertips not only expedites the form-filling process but also enhances the comprehensiveness of your application.

  1. Member State(s) of destination – Write down the name of the Schengen states you plan on
    • Make sure the countries are the same as in your flight reservation/s and detailed travel itinerary
  2. Member State of first entry – Write down the name of the country you will arrive in first
    • Make sure the entry is the same as in your flight reservation/s and detailed travel itinerary
  3. Number of entries requested – Check the appropriate box; if you will not be going out of the Schengen area, a single-entry would do Intended date of arrival of the first intended stay in the Schengen area – Write down the date when you plan to enter the Schengen area Intended date of departure from the Schengen area – Write down the date when you plan to leave the Schengen area
    • Make sure the dates align with the entry and exit in your flight reservation and travel itinerary
  4. Fingerprints collected… – Check the appropriate box
    • If your fingerprints were collected, write down the date
    • If you have a prior Schengen visa, write the visa number
  5. Entry permit… – Fill in this part if your final destination is not a Schengen state
  6. Surname and first name..
    • For a private visit: write down the name of the person you are going to visit
    • For tourists: write down the name of the hotel you will be staying in
  7. Name and address of inviting company/organisation
    • For a business visit : write down the name and address of the inviting company/organisation
      OR the person you will meet and/or the name and address of the company you will be visiting

Financial Capacity

This part of the application form details who will be responsible for the cost of travel and what documents will be provided.

  1. Cost of traveling… – Select either “applicant” or “sponsor”, and then check the appropriate box

Here’s how I would fill-in the form for tourism:

If the cost of travel will be sponsored, indicate who will sponsor and what will be sponsored.

Aside from that make sure that you meet the financial requirement for your trip as each Schengen member state have their own minimum amount for the Means of Subsistence.


If the post seem daunting and you need to listen or watch the instructions, you can watch this video:


  1. Explications Formulaire –
  2. Harmonised Application Form –
  3. Required Documents –